Saturday, March 24, 2007

Colby Caldwell's Last Lecture

In his lecture Colby recalled how music and all its forms have changed over the years of his life, and how it influenced him as a person and his creative mind. He grew up in North Carolina and when he was younger he loved bands like Pink Floyd and other southern rock music. When he went to college he discovered bands like Joy Division and the Cure which completely blew him away. He was going to be a history teacher and at the last minute got interested in photography and art. Colby is fascinated by how technology has affected not only how we create art but how music is created and how we interact with and interpret it. We used to play music on records, cassette tapes. We went from buying cds to downloading music to our ipods in just a few years. Colby has been to concerts where he saw bands perform onstage (as most people's concert experiences are) to watching a musician who created his songs entirely on his computer sit back on a couch on stage and "play" his music by pressing the keys to his computer. Having technology has maybe led people to take for granted their music or how it was created. It may not have as much of an effect on the listener to download a piece of music when in the past they had an entire album to experience where they would listen to it from the beginning to the end and understand the theme or intentions of the musician.

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